
16th edition of Samaa International Festival for Spiritual Music and Chanting

Στο 16ο Παγκόσμιο Φεστιβάλ Μουσικής στο Κάιρο, της Αιγύπτου, συμμετέχει  ο Σύλλογος Μικρασιατών Ξάνθης.

Running under the slogan “The Message of Peace to the World,” this year, the festival takes place between 22 and 28 September with activities held at El-Ghoury Dome Creativity Center in old Cairo and Bayt El-Sinnari (Sinnari House).

Following years of success, the festival’s 16th edition will bring  about 30 troupes: several from Egypt alongside guests from Congo, Algeria, Djibouti, Pakistan, Romania, Greece, Indonesia, among others.
